Thursday, March 22, 2012

"You know how to read Chinese?!!!!"

Hi Everyone!!!!
I can't believe how warm it is for you guys! People ask me if Illinois is cold, and I have to tell them that right now it's warmer than HK! It is finally starting to warm up, and the weather is sooooo pretty! The sun is out too! A member told me on Sunday she thinks I've gotten tanner!
Ok questions:
1 – What is pig’s blood? Sounds yucky! 
It's gelentanized pig's blood, not as bad as it sounds, but I wouldn't choose to eat it.
2 – Are you learning any Chinese characters yet? How are you doing with passing things off? 
Not yet, but I've forgotten my pinyam hymbook for church the past few Sundays which has probably been for my good because I realized I know more characters than I thought! After the opening hymn in Young Women, Y. (the young woman we are teaching) turned to me and said, "You know how to read Chinese?!!!!" (It was Welcome Welcome Sabbath Morning, so I was able to make up quite a bit.) I had hoped to pass off lesson 4 last week, but I've been a bit scared of all the new vocab and our language study has been cut short this week. I'm hoping that I can pass it off this weekend. (I taught the Word of Wisdom to an investigator yesterday, so I should be fine, I just need to do it!!!) Then I just have to do lesson 5! I really hope I can finish my pass offs by the beginning of the next move. Then I will use next move to really focus more on my speaking and hopefully start characters in June!!!!! yay!!!!!
3 – Have you noticed anything about the culture this week?
Well, I think the fact that I don't notice things about the culture is strange. . . haha we went to Wan Chi on Sunday for Stake Conference. We taught a lesson beforehand, so we just found a room on the 4th floor where the International ward was having Sacrament meeting. That was weird. . . I could see into the chapel and they were all. . . NOT ASIAN!!!!!!!! Mostly white and a few Black people. It was sooooooooo weird. And they were singing in. . . ENGLISH!!!! After the conference we went to the lobby downstairs and I almost fainted seeing so many white people in the lobby. It was sooooo weird and I didn't want any part of talking to them, I was definitely more comfortable speaking Chinese than I would have been trying to speak English. Hsien Ji Muih told me that for General Conference I'll probably be in a room full of foreigners so I can listen to the English broadcast.  I'm not looking forward to it.
Last week I was washing lettuce and Sister B. squealed. There was a snail crawling out of the bowl my lettuce was in! The office elders were helping Sister B. move her luggage in so they were in our apartment (that was weird) and were kind enough to take the snail out for us. Later I asked Sister H. if it was ok to eat the lettuce and she said, "Yes, it actually means it's healthier, if he can live in it, you can eat it!" hahaha
The buses here get super close together. It makes me squirm when we're sitting on the front of the upper deck because the buses are so close that if there were no windows I really wouldn't have trouble climbing into the back of the next bus.
Y. is doing amazing! She eats up everything we say. When I taught her about the law of tithing she was saying she was willing to pay it before I could even finish asking if she was willing. She even explained to her dad about tithing before we had even actually taught it!!! I am so excited for her! A. is also going great is also getting baptized in a few weeks. It is so true what people say about the people I teach becoming our best friends. I love these girls soooooooooooooooooooo much!!! They really are my best friends! I am soooooo excited for them to have this opportunity to have the blessings of the gospel.
Oh and Thank you for the mail!!!!! I got 5 letters yesterday!!! (2 siniging cards!!) you grandma, savanna, Kaitlin Meldrum and Caitlin Rinker.
I love you so much and I hope you have a good week!!!

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